AUDIOBOOKS :  The Art of War | Pride & Prejudice | Walden | Paradise Lost | As a Man Thinketh | Master of Destiny | Theory of Relativity | War of the Worlds | Tale of Two Cities | The Divine Comedy | The Screwtape Letters | Outwitting the Devil | The Gulag Archipelago | Man’s Search for Meaning | The Road to Serfdom    BIBLE : Learn the Bible in 24hrs | KJV Bible Dramatized Audio | Mere Christianity   GOVERNMENT : Preamble to the Constitution | Declaration of Independence | Constitution 101 | The Federalist Papers | The Anti-Federalist Papers   DYSTOPIA :   1984 | Brave New World | Animal Farm   DARK-TRIAD :   48 Laws of Power | Rules for Radicals   INDIVIDUALISM :    Self-Reliance | Civil Disobedience | The Abolition of Man